Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rains Are Coming!!!

Rains Are Coming!!!

After quite a dry summer finally rains are in the forecast. Our summer hold over fish will be able to breath easy very soon. One of the forums I follow had someone asking about hold over here in Southern New Hampshire. Which sparked my interest to go on the hunt. Stopped at one of my favorite local rivers, and guess what fish were holding all over the place rising for a BWO hatch that was going on. Just about this time last year I got a 21inch Atlantic Salmon in this same piece of river. Knew I had to give it a few casts about five drifts in bam. Fish on!! Quite a nice rainbow was actually the biggest one I got in that river this year. After quick fight and a pic she was released. Things are looking good for southern New Hampshire. I ask if you get out make sure to be aware of the river temps I never fish if water is above 68* to ensure healthy recovery for fish. Don't over play them either. I rather have a long rod release than kill a fish to over playing.

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