Monday, September 17, 2012

Mountains and Beyond

The last week I spent making trips to mountains and beyond. Sunday and Monday was spent in White Mountains hitting my favorite pond which treated us good. 3am start with Brandon and Theron.  Luck wasn't on our side besides the fishing . My buddy lost 700 dollar camera with pictures from Sunday. Two large Brookies to the net that day along with some very nice rainbows.

Monday started same as Sunday. Ian and I rolling out of my house at 3am on water for 525am . Wind was rough but fish were plentiful was one of best morning we have had on pond 6 big fish to net with a seventh in afternoon.We fished pond till 9am then worked our way to river did some exploring found some great new spots got lots of fish many had started changing to fall colors over night with cold front that had came in with wind.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Friday started out with 330am on road from Brandon's hit pond and river in mountains on way to upper Conn. river area. Bite was real slow at pond so we headed out to river early . I got many nice Bows all of which had nice colors. Brandon got a bunch of nice Brookies in fall colors. After few hour there we decided it was time to move on. Landed at my parents at 11am in Newport VT. Waited on ups for order I had placed before heading to Conn river at 230pm. We went to one of my father and I's secret wild piece of the river. Got into a few nice Rainbow Parr. About hr before dark my indicator goes down in a major way big fish on. After few big swirls and a couple minute fight got beautiful wild bow to net about 18-19"s long.


Saturday began with us way up north in New Hampshire. Started near one of the lakes had Rainbow on in maybe first twenty drifts. Nice stocked bow. We had one guy down stream from us who decided it was ok for him to cross river and move right up into our drift after I landed fish. Got to love those clowns. Didnt work out for him though about three drift bam Salmon on got 17-18" LL Salmon. After that we had about 7 guys working there way into pool to. Thats it for me told my buddy we moved on to another spot that always treats us well. 2nd drift bam decent bow. I worked my way down stream and let my father and Brandon fish that pool. 10 or so drifts later indicator goes down and up stream real fast. I yell to my dad " big fish very big fish" after about a 7 minute fight. Monster Rainbow to the net. Had another large fish rising in front of me sat down on rocks watching the bugs and the rises trying to figure out what they were rising for. A small gust of wind comes along and a bunch large caddis blow out of the bushes. So I tie on a size 14 elk hair on. First cast big fish takes a swing and a miss. Kept at it for about hour not even a look. We made call it was time for some lunch. Made our way over to the local pub had great lunch then back at it. Started doing same as before lunch had few small hits not the big fish I was after though. About an hour rolls by and it starts rising again. This time no bugs in the air tied on a emerger pattern second drift  huge brown equal to if not bigger than bow slams caddis emerger.  It made run up into some real fast water after playing it for few minutes and just as fast as he was on he was gone. Rest of day was pretty slow after that.

 Sunday started at same pool. Lots of over sized fish rising. Before sun even breaks throw trees Brandon had big fish hit his stimulator and snapped it right off. Worked pool soon as sun hit it with size 16 ehc about tens drifts later monster rises from deep blows my fly right off my jaw just dropped. I sat down on a rock with my thermos of coffee. Was still in shock. Brandon starts yelling fish on. Ran up there he had very nice rainbow from upper pool on. We both walked back down to other pool after there was monster rising which we dubbed Flipper. I looked at Brandon asked him" when did the state start stocking dolphins this fish was biggest rainbow I have ever seen. We work pool for a while. Was about time for lunch. Back to the Pub. We made plan to go back down to the wild water getting there around 3pm. Was very sunny but still chill. Not a rise or hit in about hour of working large run and pool behind it. Brandon and I sat down to watch water. My father landed three nice Bows while we sat down. So we worked our way down to him. Fished it for hour maybe then I decided it was time to get back to the run should be about time things are either going to happen or not. Sat back down watched water for five minutes there was some nice rainbow parr rising at tiny bwo's. So I tied one on took few casts nothing. Switched to ehc nothing. Sat down started to rethink my program well its time to look for the aggressive bite. Tied on my big nasty olive flashy bugger . Started pounding banks with heavy strip return. On third cast bam hardest take I've ever had and 21ish" rainbow comes launching out of water about 4ft almost ripped my rod out of my hand. After about ten minute battle with pound for pound fighter got him to the net. My week was over after that.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Where Are The Rains?????

Where Are The Rains?????
Biggest Brookie Of The Day Out Of Pond
Very Nice Pond Brookie
After much rain in forecasts lately. We have only got .8"s here in Southern New Hampshire, but the temps have been dropping at night time. Tonight we may get some of the that blessed wet stuff. Cross your fingers!! On to yesterday's report. Started out with a 2hr drive for me at 3am to my managed trout pond. Got to pond at 5:10am had first fish on at 5:22am. Bite doesn't last all that long there. Had many hook ups and ten fish to the net all Brookies. 3 of them were in the 1LB + range the rest cookie cutter 1 year stockies. So I rolled out of there at 8am. Decided to stop at a few spots on the Pemi do some scouting. Got into some beautiful wild Brookies. Later in the afternoon after a little nap I headed out with my buddy Brandon to my secret cold water spot here in Southern New Hampshire. He had just picked up a sweet little 3wt Bean rod. Was itching to get his first trout on it. We walked down to the edge of the river. I had already seen a fish rise. No sooner than I got all the way down hill and into place to start casting. He casted twice and bam fish on. He looked at me with a smile yelled across river it's a brookie. I laughed and said I know. I have always got Brookies right there not usually anything else.  Early in season I sat there and pulled in 30+ fish cast after cast.  We worked our way down stream. He picked up a nice bow and I got a healthy looking Salmon parr. Once we got out of the cold section we temped river at 74 felt out of cold area. decided to work our way back up stream to cold area again just about the time the hatch started. Was some tiny Bwo's and big caddis in the air. I picked up a nice brookie and had many hits or tail smacks. Funny this season I've notice the Browns on the piece of river tend to tail smack the fly before coming back to take it. Tomorrow we are planning to head to the pond again, and Spider Ally along with some other spots some old some new. Look for a report Monday some time.

Pemi Native

Brandons Southern Brookie
Brandon Southern Bow

My Southern Brookie

Fly Menu For Yesterday:
Big Olive with Brown Hackle Buggers w/ gold flash
Medium Black Bugger w/ gold flash
Mini Quinni Bugger Olive and Black ones
Elk Hair Caddis

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rains Are Coming!!!

Rains Are Coming!!!

After quite a dry summer finally rains are in the forecast. Our summer hold over fish will be able to breath easy very soon. One of the forums I follow had someone asking about hold over here in Southern New Hampshire. Which sparked my interest to go on the hunt. Stopped at one of my favorite local rivers, and guess what fish were holding all over the place rising for a BWO hatch that was going on. Just about this time last year I got a 21inch Atlantic Salmon in this same piece of river. Knew I had to give it a few casts about five drifts in bam. Fish on!! Quite a nice rainbow was actually the biggest one I got in that river this year. After quick fight and a pic she was released. Things are looking good for southern New Hampshire. I ask if you get out make sure to be aware of the river temps I never fish if water is above 68* to ensure healthy recovery for fish. Don't over play them either. I rather have a long rod release than kill a fish to over playing.

Monday, September 3, 2012

White Mountains Trout Safe Haven

 White Mountains Trout Safe Haven

New Hampshire White Mountains have been my get away from the heat of the summer. After some large brook trout in a fly fishing only lake or stream fishing for wild brookies along with a few stocked rivers. This a been some of the best fishing for any time of year. Having many 20+ fish days. Taking many of my friends to enjoy this beauty too. This has been one great summer. With just a few more trips up north before the season changes and it will be time to start fishing back in my home waters.

Brookie on my new Grey's Grxi+ 6ft 3wt

My buddy Ian with very nice brookie

Bob with a brookie from a place we call Spider Ally
One of NH little gems

Land of many little gems
 Brandon bombing big flies to big fish
Another NH gem